Tuesday, March 26, 2024

2024: Schedule of Readings

19th Annual: Scissortail Creative Writing Festival
April 4 - 6, 2024
East Central University
Ada, Oklahoma 

Thursday, April 4

I. 9:30 – 10: 45 Estep Auditorium 

Ky George: Gallup, New Mexico
Fire in the Pulpit
Walter Bargen: Ashland, Missouri
Down the Rabbit Hole of War
Mark Walling: East Central University
One Dalmatian 

II. 11:00 – 12: 10 Estep Auditorium

Nikki Herrin: Wayne, Oklahoma
Wendy Dunmeyer: Lawton, Oklahoma
Importance of Words
Alan Berecka: Sinton, Texas
Selected Poems 

III. 11:00 - 12:10 Regents Room

Clarence Wolfshohl: Fulton, Missouri
Lo, the Gods
Sally Rhoades: Albany, New York
When the Roses are in Bloom
Josh Grasso: East Central University
The Domovoi

IV. 11:00 – 12:10 Boswell Chapel

Lyman Grant: Harrisonburg, Virginia
November Constellation
Keely Record: Tulsa, Oklahoma
From Here
Brady Peterson: Belton, Texas
Letters from the Edge of the Round Earth 

*** Lunch ***

V. 2:10 – 3:20 Estep Auditorium

Leah Chaffins: Cameron University
Army Brats & other poems
Audell Shelburne: Northeastern State University
A Fine Line: Art, Literature, & Life
Robert Wynne: Burleson, Texas
Popsicles, Paintings & Poetry 

VI. 2:10 – 3:20 Regents Room

Marc DiPaolo: SWOSU
Ballad of a Dago Okie
Sharon Edge Martin: Oilton, Oklahoma
No Boundaries
Britton Morgan: Wagoner, Oklahoma
Song of the Red 46 

VII. 3:30 – 4:40 Estep Auditorium

Tom Murphy: Corpus Christi, Texas
Site 13
Ann Howells: Carrollton, Texas
Specters and Other Visitors
Bill McCloud: Rogers State University
The Illusionist’s Assistant 

VIII. 3:30 – 4:40 Regents Room

Shaun Perkins: Locust Grove, OK
Paul Austin: Norman, Oklahoma
Plopping Down Steep Hill
Christopher Soden: Dallas, Texas
Swaddling, and other poems 

IX. 7:00 – 8:30 Estep Auditorium

Featuring: Kai Coggin
(Authors’ Reception – Polo’s Restaurant)

Friday, April 5 

X. 9:00 – 9:50 Estep Auditorium 

Ben Myers: Oklahoma Baptist University
Historical Markers
Rubeena Anjum: Dallas, Texas
Venoms and Antidotes 

XI. 9:00 - 9:50 Regents Room

Angela Hooper: Oklahoma City, OK
Where the Sky is a Wall
Nathan Brown: Wimberly, Texas
The Broken Summer: Birth of a Vagabond 

XII. 10:00 – 10:50 Estep Auditorium

Julie Chappell: Lake Keystone, Oklahoma
VulgatePsalm 39:3.5

Chase Dearinger: Pittsburg State University
This New Dark 

XIII. 10:00 – 10:50 Regents Room

Andrew Geyer: U. South Carolina - Aiken
The Rainbow is Salty and Smells of the Sea
Joey Brown: Missouri Southern State U.
The Inconveniences of Love 

XIV. 10:00 – 10:50 Boswell Chapel

Woodstok Farley: Tarleton State University
Falling Into My Nightmare
Audrey Kallenberger, Tulsa, Oklahoma
The Year of Our Lady of Surrender 

XV. 11:00 – 12:10 Estep Auditorium

John Morris: Cameron University
Bodies Littering the Floor & other poems
Jessica Huntley: Krebs, Oklahoma
Palms Out
Quinn Carver Johnson: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Before it Sets In, & other poems 

XVI. 11:00 – 12:10 Regents Room

Ron Wallace: Durant, Oklahoma
Life is a Disappearing Act
Yvonne Carpenter: Arapaho, Oklahoma
Bringing in the Sheaves
Stanton Yeakley: Tulsa, Oklahoma

Below the Bible Belt

XVII. 11:00 -12:10 Boswell Chapel

David Meischen: Albuquerque, New Mexico
What a Body can Bear: Nopalito, Texas Stories
Claire Collins: Tulsa, Oklahoma
What Freedom is This?
Jim Roberts: Paris, Texas
Of Fathers & Gods 

*** Lunch *** 

XVIII. 2:10 – 3:20 Estep Auditorium

David Bublitz: Cameron University
Combat Pay
Nell Johnson: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
What is Now Mine
Alan Gann: Dallas, Texas
I am not an Avocado 

XIX. 2:10 -3:20 Regents Room

Heather Levy: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
from Hurt for Me
Cody Baggerly: East Central University
Somewhere Between
Remi Recchia: Stillwater, Oklahoma

XX. 3:35 – 4:45 Estep Auditorium

Rob Roensch: Oklahoma City University
from In the Morning, the City is the Prairie
Cullen Whisenhunt: Eastern OK State College
Until Air Itself is Tinted
Rilla Askew: University of Oklahoma
They Tell it Wrong – poems 

XXI. 7:00 – 8:30 pm Estep Auditorium 

Featuring: Steve Yarbrough 

Recognition of Undergraduate Writers

(Reception for Authors & Guests at: Ross-Osborn Family Foundation Event Center

Saturday, April 6 

XXII. 9:00 – 10:25 Estep Auditorium

Paul Juhasz: Seminole State College
The Fires of Heraclitus
Roseanna Alice Boswell: Stillwater, Oklahoma
In the House | In the Woods
Corbett Buchly: Richardson, Texas
Finding New Portals
Molly Sizer: Lawton, Oklahoma
The Pain of Being 

XXIII. 9:00 – 10:25 Regents Room

Hank Jones: Tarleton State University
Press the Soil Down
Aly Allen: Oklahoma State University
Paying for Gas with Quarters
John Yozzo: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Rhythms & Riddles: Loss & What Follows
D.L. Lang: Vallejo, California
The Journey and the Destinations 

XXIV. 10:35 -11:50 Estep Auditorium

Paul Bowers: Northern Oklahoma College
Tortuga Jorge
Denise Tolan: San Antonio, Texas
from Italian Blood
Chris Murphy: Northeastern State University
Maria Veres: Oklahoma City, OK
The Breaking Place

XXV. 12:15 – 1:00 pm Estep Auditorium

Grand Finale, Featuring:
Quraysh Ali Lansana 

Click here for complete bios of all authors.

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